This Web page provides information about the scientific productivity of the University of Lleida (UdL) researchers in the Web of Science (including associate schools and researcher centers). The given data have been obtained through the Webs of free and public access, as the name, faculty, department and areas of knowledge of the UdL researchers ( and of the Thomson Reuters ResearcherID public profile (

The number of articles cited, the total number of cites, the average of cites per articles and de h-index is provided. The user can verify this information directly from the personal ResearcherID URL (SEE LINK). The data about the productivity in the Web of Science are selected, incorporated and supervised for each researcher in your ResearcherID.

The data here reproduced in the present application they are provisionally upgraded every six months (date of upgrade) from the individual ResearcherID, for what the user should take like reference always the ResearcherID URL. The researchers should be register previously and to obtain his URL (

To know more how CFI is calculated you can address (here).

The present application is carried out with to the purpose of promoting the scientific productivity of the UdL researchers and for internal consultation. This application doesn't have any commercial use.

This is an initiative of the Neurocognition, Psychobiology of the Personality and Genetic Behavior Researh Group. Biomedical Research Institute (IRB) and University of Lleida. Catalonia. Spain. Our group also promotes the Web of Science Production of Spanish Psychology.